Lillie, Chester A.

Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 28, 1896
Date of Death:
October 27, 1918
Hero Bio:
Chester Arthur Lillie was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 28th, 1896. In 1909, the family moved to California, where they remained about a year. They then moved to Elko, Nevada, and in December, 1911, again changed their residence to Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada. There the son, Chester, entered school, taking a prominent part in athletics and school activities. On the 31st of July, 1917, he volunteered his services to the Nation. He went to Fort McDowell, California, as a recruit, and after a month spent at that post was transferred to Fort Riley, Kansas. He was in Field Hospital Company 354, 314th Sanitary Train, 89th Division.
In the month of October he became seriously ill which led, in December, 1917, to his honorable discharge from the service on account of physical disability. He was brought home to Winnemucca by his parents. The weakness of the heart contracted in the army remained with him after his return and on October 27th, 1918, an attack of pneumonia complicated by the heart trouble, carried him away. Out of respect to his memory the flags of the city were lowered to half-mast on the day of his funeral. A host of friends mourned the loss of the young patriot. His parents, Andrew and Florence Ruth Lillie, reside at 455 Lay Street, Winnemucca, Nevada; his sister, Mrs. F. C. Pearce, also resides there.
Rank in Death:
Field Hospital
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company 354 314th Sanitary Train 89th Division